Co-Authored Publications

Peer-reviewed publications

Hutchinson, C., Malloff, N., & Hibbert, A. “Advancing Workplace Wellbeing within Higher Education Settings.” In V. Squires, C. London & M. Dolf (Eds)., Health Promoting Universities: Advancing Wellbeing through a Systems Approach. (pp. TBD). University of Toronto Press.

Author & Author (forthcoming). Chapter title.  In V. Squires, C. London & M. Dolf (Eds)., Health Promoting Universities: Advancing Wellbeing through a Systems Approach. (pp. TBD). University of Toronto Press.

Hammer, B., Fletcher, F., Shortt, R. MacRae, M., & Hibbert, A. (2020) Outcome Mapping: Documenting Process in the Métis Settlements Life Skills Journey Project The Qualitative Report, 25(4), 909-923. Retrieved from  

Hibbert, A., Fletcher, F., & Hammer, B. (2019). “I am so resilient right now”: Impact of the Life Skills Journey Summer Program on Métis Program Leaders. Journal of Community Engagement & Higher Education, 11(1), 17-29.

Hibbert, A., Fletcher, F., & Hammer, B. (2018). Life Skills Journey: Measuring the impact of a resilience-based intervention for Métis children in Alberta. Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing, 3(1), 30-44.  

Fletcher, F., Hibbert, A., Hammer, B., & Ladouceur, S. (2017). Beyond Collaboration: Principles and Indicators of Authentic Relationship Development in CBPR. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 9(2).

Fletcher, F., Hibbert, A., & Hammer, B. (2017). Debriefs as Process Evaluation for Community Well-Being: CBPR with Métis Settlements in Alberta, Canada. In R. Philips and C. Wong (Eds.), Handbook of Community Well-Being. Netherlands: Springer.

Hammer, B., Fletcher, F., & Hibbert, A. (2017, February). Participant Observation: Enhancing the Impact Measurement in CBPR. The Qualitative Report, 22(2).

Fletcher, F., Salenieks, T., & Hibbert, A. (2016). Making Play-Based Learning Work: Integrating Life Skills Content into a Play-Based Summer Day Camp. In T. Brown & A. M. Castellanos (Eds.), Chiselled Horizons: A Multi-Cultural Approach to Visual Literacy (pp. 117-125). Oxford, UK: Inter-Disciplinary Press.

Fletcher, F., Hammer, B., & Hibbert, A. (2014). “We Know We Are Doing Something Good, But What Is It?”: The Challenge of Negotiating Between Service Delivery and Research in a CBPR Project. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 7(2). 

Fletcher, F., Hibbert, A., Robertson, F., & Asselin, J. (2013). Needs and Readiness Assessments: Tools for Promoting Community-University Engagement with Aboriginal Communities. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 6, p. 131-149. 

Fletcher, F., Baydala, L., Hibbert, A., & Robertson, F. (2013). Interactive Focus Group Tools. Retrieved from product.aspx?code=W64JY7FS.

Other publications & manuscripts

Hibbert, A. acknowledged for involvement in Future-Proofing Investments in Workplace Mental Health: Meeting Employees’ Evolving Needs (2022).

Shortt, R. (2018). Exploring the Intersectionality of Settler-Ally, Reconciliation, and Indigenous Resurgence. Master’s thesis, University of Alberta.

Hibbert, A. (2007). Fair Game: An Anthropological Study of the Negotiation of Fairness in World of Warcraft. Master’s thesis, University of Alberta.

Hibbert, A. (2007). Purchase and Provision: Consumption Patterns of Hudson’s Bay Company Servants in Ile a la Crosse, 1810–1860. Research report. Métis Archival Project. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.